170 definitions by Master of beargreen

Your mother's uncle or to be more precise your mother's mother's brother. A muncle/ grandaunt/greataunt.
Compare: feam
Oh, there's my Meam Stephen coming this way. He's my mother's uncle.
by Master of beargreen March 23, 2023
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counter- + wavver a counterspectacle. Not to be confused with wavvercounter
Perhaps in the world's destruction it would be possible at last to see how she was made. Oceans, mountains. The ponderous counterwavver of things ceasing to be.
by Master of beargreen September 14, 2023
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1. That (over there (in sight of the horizon)
2. (Internet) an recently mentioned that (due to just seeing it or being able to see it)
Oh look over yon hill on yon video.
by Master of beargreen September 23, 2023
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1. OE Adlig sick, ill, disease. See also: Adle-y
2. A name
She came to him in an adley manner.
by Master of beargreen September 15, 2023
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1. The polite way to say Thou (singular you (ye))
2. A person with some kind of association tied to them such as awesome or hot and may or may not be Asian or a girl.
Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thu forsaken me?
by Master of beargreen August 22, 2023
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From OE rædgiefa
Someone who gives advice; advisor, counselor
Rede + giver
See also rede-giver and redegiver
Alright it's time to see the rede giver. To see what shitty advice he can come up with this time.
by Master of beargreen August 18, 2023
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