3 definitions by Marty Fahkeuse

(noun) a dried cum stain on an article of clothing.
I knew Thor had spent the last half hour in his office looking at internet porn on company time becuase when He came out for lunch He had a Lewinsky on his Dockers.
by Marty Fahkeuse December 25, 2002
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The worst sort of diarhea.

When it's so bad that You're spraying the back of the toilet, the toilet seat, the towels.
"Holy shit, I don't know what Trang put in that Denver Omelette I got off the truck this morning but I was just shootin' chili outta shotgun"
by Marty Fahkeuse December 25, 2002
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Some one who is HIV+ as, "The High Five"
I heard Fernando got the high five from Ivanka.
by Marty Fahkeuse December 25, 2002
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