3 definitions by MaksMuhMonkey

To cuddle, while you chill.
Nothing beats a night of chuddling with the boyfriend; I love to chuddle with my kids.
by MaksMuhMonkey January 16, 2015
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While, in the midst of a quarantine, the people you are cooped up with, cause you to be insane.
by MaksMuhMonkey March 22, 2020
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Biden Derangement Syndrome. Usually a symptom of Trump supporting kool-aid drinkers. They had four years of stating anyone who disagreed with them, had TDS. Now, that Trump may have lost, they are declaring Biden will not be their president and they will not unite behind him, the exact thing they hated about liberals for the last four years.
Oof, that Trumper has a severe case of the BDS. I hope he will be okay.
by MaksMuhMonkey November 10, 2020
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