4 definitions by Maki and Kichiko

*wiggle pinky and begins 2 laugh maniacally*
by Maki and Kichiko February 27, 2005
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Term used when speaking to your BF or GF, or, in some cases, your ditball.
Hello, my little Phunbaba
by Maki and Kichiko February 27, 2005
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term used by extremely retarded people that means stupid, nimrod, or ne other insulting term
Bob: "Guess wut Joe, I just set yer cat on fire!"
Joe: "U did WHAT to poor Fluffy? U DITBALL!!!!"
by Maki and Kichiko February 27, 2005
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Referring to an extremely hairy butt
When he mooned me, I was almost blinded when i realized that he had a buttwiggin.
by Maki and Kichiko February 27, 2005
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