4 definitions by MadMike

the internet. Taken from Fraggle Rock where the trashheap is an oracle.
Joe:What time will the movie start?
Sue: Ask the trashheap.
by MadMike September 3, 2003
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The sound one makes after eating too much Mexican food.
Tim's ass was like 'brrrrrrrrraaap' then he shat himself.
by MadMike April 9, 2015
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sex, also used to refer to a gorgeous woman.
"That is some nice russian yunnel. Yunnel POP!!"
by MadMike June 3, 2003
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To lower your testicles onto someone elses forehead.
When boz removes his pants lowers his shaven testicles onto Beegies forehead repeatedly, making a lovely plopping sound.
by MadMike January 9, 2004
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