10 definitions by MC Blitzkrieg

Defined as:
1) The female equivilant of a wasteman, meaning a loser i.e. waste of space.
2) A slut. A female that can be used (shagged) and then promptly discarded. A woman of easy virtue, though not necessarily a prositute.

This phrase comes from the combination of the words wasteman and gash, and is becoming ever more popular in the north london and the home counties of UK.
1)"Allow that wastegash"
2)"I linked with a standard wastegash last night. Bare casual ting. You know how we do. "
by MC Blitzkrieg January 30, 2006
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Adjective. Definition is the same as safe or cool

This was invented by a freind of mine to reflect the type of thing another freind of mine, max, who thinks he is Jamaican, might say instead of safe.
It stems from when max met a UK MC called Demon, and is designed to illustrate what max might of said to try and impress him with his Jamaicaness (By sticking ting on the end of safe makes it sound more jamaican).
Since then it has caught on and is now widely used in the Hertfordshire area of UK.
"Yo Demon you be safeting"
by MC Blitzkrieg January 24, 2006
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1) A kind of shoe made by nike. The poor man's air force one.

2) The worste kind of air. Even worse than air pie. This kind of disrespect is worthy of a mandatory slewing.
1) "Yo blud check out the new creps. I got me some air max, only set me back about 40 quid"

2) Gangbanger 1: "Yo, where James at? It's my fuckin' birthday!"
Gangbanger 2: "Blud he's just pulled an air max, i think he's allowed you for that wastegash he's always tapping"
Gangbanger 1: "No one serves this g up with an air max! Lets ride"

(Glocks are heard to be cocked, and a car speeds away...Later that night the bullet riddled body of a wateman is found)
by MC Blitzkrieg March 1, 2007
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