11 definitions by MACHone Inc.

1) Someone who would claim to be addicted to milk.

2) Someone who takes great pleasure in large breasted females.
1) I'm on my ninth glass of the day; yeah, I'ma milk junkie!

2) I just can't help it! I see those girls with those huge tits and... gah, I'm just a milk junkie.
by MACHone Inc. August 12, 2005
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An acronym for "Down With The Sickness," a track off of Disturbed's first album, The Sickness.
by MACHone Inc. October 17, 2005
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Literally, a theory that states when man is set against impossible odds, his final bullet will be on himself rather than his enemies. Figuratively, a plan to "cut one's losses" or make sacrifices as a last resort.
So, yeah, according to Mike's single bullet theory, he's gonna play the market right out to the bitter end and try to cash in on as many stocks as possible; however, things don't look good.
by MACHone Inc. August 9, 2005
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A common name given to an inflatable adult novelty.
Colin: "Mike, c'mon, I'll sell you Fatty Patty for three bucks and it's not even been used once!"
Mike: "Wow, what a deal!"
by MACHone Inc. October 6, 2005
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Mascot of the high-energy rock band, Disturbed. Often depicted as a demented smiling face, The Guy has recently been personified by Todd McFarlane in Disturbed's 2005 release, Ten Thousand Fists.
Dude A: "What's up with those evil-looking face t-shirts?"
Dude B: "Oh, that's The Guy."
Dude A: "The Guy?"
Dube B: "The Guy."
Dude C: "The Guy?"
Dude A: "Dude, go away, dude."
by MACHone Inc. October 7, 2005
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Depicts a nervous / anxious smile in ASCII art. The semicolon serves as a sweat drop (commonly seen in anime). Very frequently seen in Instant Messages or forums.
Woman: "Did you hear there was a big robbery right around the corner?"
Man in Ski Mask: "No... no can't say that I did. ^^;"
by MACHone Inc. August 4, 2005
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Other than an inflatable beach toy, beachball is a common term used at beaches between males to announce the presence of an extremely attractive female without drawing attention. It is usually placed in a question followed by a time of day to signify the direction of the female relative to the speaker.
Teddy: "So you coming to the party tonight?"
Mike: "No, sorry, I'm playin' some beachball at 3 o'clock."
Teddy: "Oh, really."
Teddy glances to the side.
Teddy: "Hm, maybe I'll join you."
by MACHone Inc. October 6, 2005
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