2 definitions by M-Low

The half Dragon Warlord, half witch-doctor of L'Anse Creuse Middle School East. She is also the arch-nemesis of the band Power Fist.

She is also known as "The Bride of The Tiger Chief" and "Kuhar Juhani".
Teddy: "Dad! Dad! Tell me the story of The Battle of Kuhars Bulge!"
Dad: "Hell no! I don't want to ever hear you utter than name again!"
by M-Low August 26, 2007
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used to describe the half pirate, half hammer-head shark guy in the second "Pirates of The Caribbean"
Steve: "Dude, DJ, check out that hammer-head shark thing! He's so jankey."

DJ: "haha... jankey? wtf hahahaha!"
by M-Low August 26, 2007
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