13 definitions by Lukey

The act of swinging a dogpoo bag around your head like a mace and smacking an unsuspecting foe with it.
Damen: Im gonna brillhole dan.
Dan: You cunt the bag split open and everything.
Luke: Dan you stink.
by Lukey November 22, 2003
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<Robbie T.> Hey, How are you, you son of a bitch
<Luke> oh shut the fuck up you qwashole
<Mark> qwas'd
by Lukey April 15, 2003
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To use one's bonafied penis as a knife and pelvic thrust it into objects of affection.
Man Kyle Gibney is stabbing the hell out of that bowling ball.
by Lukey May 23, 2003
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A term popularly used by inbreds and substandard musicians who are incapable of correctly spelling the word 'polish'.
'Let's be honest. you just can't ploish a turd, can you?'

In this example, the user has attempted to insult the quality of someone else's endeavours. However, due to the user's poor understanding of the English language, the insult has backfired and made him look like a buffoon.
by Lukey April 4, 2005
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