24 definitions by Lou Stenspayce

Flying pig

A hostel located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Famous for its student/backpacker friendly atmosphere and the ability to smoke joints in the lobby.

Everyone knows about these 2 places now, so they are a bit overpriced and nearly all booked. Too bad.
I smoked a spliff at the Flying Pig and passed out on the beanbag chair in the lobby.
by Lou Stenspayce December 17, 2003
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Yodeling in the Canyon

Oral sex, as performed on a woman.

See: The Last Detail, starring Jack Nicholson
I had to go yodeling in the canyon before she would give me any back!
by Lou Stenspayce October 17, 2004
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Used in reference to offensive or not-safe-for church language.

Probably originated due to the opinion/stereotype? that sailors swear a lot.
I asked him if that was his wife's car and he called me a bunch of curse words. Damn that was some salty language!
by Lou Stenspayce December 16, 2003
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That 1-L isn't going to make law review unless Sandra Day O'Connor comes in and takes his final for him.
by Lou Stenspayce December 16, 2003
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roof gnome

Persons, either male or female who hang out on the roof of off-campus student houses, undergraduate societies, or fraternities. Usually members of said house. Usually on some sort of drugs such as shrooms or trying to smoke a Joint on the sly.

Named because they are frequently spotted in packs and usually only the top part of their body is visible from the ground below.
I walked up to ******** after class and I saw three roof gnomes pop their heads out to see who was coming up the walkway.
by Lou Stenspayce December 13, 2003
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combination of two words: Grim, meaning ugly. And Bimbo, meaning a girl with loose moral character and less than average intelligence.
I drank twenty beers last night and woke up with some horrible grimbo next to me in bed.
by Lou Stenspayce December 25, 2003
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henry earl

Black dude with TB. He is the town drunk of Lexington, KY. Has achieved infamous status on the internet (fark.com) and TV (Jimmy Kimmel Live) due to his 800 arrests on public drunkeness charges in the last 10 years. Carries a picture of James Brown and dances for tips.
Henry Earl drank a bottle of Thunderbird and ended up back in the drunk tank a mere 8 hours after being released.
by Lou Stenspayce January 9, 2004
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