10 definitions by Lottylula

An insurance policy for bad people who are scared of hell.
Guy 1: "I just killed my neighbor's dog and had sex with a ten year old"

Guy 2: 'Wow, that's really messed up! You're going to hell for sure."

Guy 3: "Oh no, it's cool, I have religion! And I'm going to church on Sunday! Jesus loves me. Have you been saved? You should come with me."

by Lottylula May 20, 2008
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Something people eat to look cool.
"I ate some Sushi, then I went to Starbucks. I am so enlightened and way cool. Hey, let's go watch An Inconvenient Truth! Al Gore is the BEST!"
by Lottylula May 20, 2008
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85% of the time it can be described as... what the lazy rely on, feeling it's 'owed' to them just for being human. Because they do nothing, but still feel that they are great regardless and that they deserve this simply for being a human being.
"I'm a Liberal, because I don't want my welfare to go away. I deserve it, even though I've never done anything for anyone else, and never will... but gimme, gimme, gimme!"
by Lottylula May 20, 2008
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