4 definitions by LordRafox

A remote ass military outpost in Northern Canada. The most northerly inhabited place in the world. So remote, the polar bears think it's too cold.
Yo why don't we just deport Johnny to Alert. He's a fucking idiot tbh.
by LordRafox July 4, 2019
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Jake Paul, Net Neutrality ,Dabbing, Crappy Memes, Trump, Did I mention Jake Paul already?
Person: 2017
Other Person: End my life
by LordRafox December 31, 2018
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Over the top ex footballer and football commentator. Has appeared on a lot of adverts and is kind of a celebrity due to his catchphrase "unbelievable Jeff" which he says on Gillette Soccer Saturday
by LordRafox November 11, 2017
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