4 definitions by Lord Xeras

A mutherfucking huge mutant wasp in Fallout: New Vegas. Kills you with one sting. big-ass son of a bitch wasp.
Gamer: Dammit! I just got killed by a cazador swarm in New Vegas
by Lord Xeras December 30, 2011
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a 70's expression meaning 'you understand?' or 'can you take it?' Often used in blaxtopian movies.
Who's the Man who would risk his neck for a brother man?
Can you dig it?
by Lord Xeras March 30, 2011
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A fictional northern city in Faerun. largest city on the Sword Coast. important trade port. Setting of the popular game Neverwinter Nights
Narrator: The City of Neverwinter. jewel of the North...
by Lord Xeras December 31, 2011
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