3 definitions by Lola Samuels

Of or describing a relationship maintained via wireless or similar means, with few or no face-to-face opportunities.
Guy 1: This thing with Kalley, is it serious?
Guy 2: No, just verizontal.

Girl 1: This thing with your guy, is it serious?
Girl 2: Oh yeah, it's verizontal...he can't live without me.
by Lola Samuels January 26, 2013
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Girl 1: He leaves on Friday for two weeks.
Girl 2: Looks like you two will be doing the verizontal.
by Lola Samuels January 26, 2013
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Crush on a substantially younger man or the object of such crush.
"Isn't she alot older than him? Are they involved?"

"No, he's just her Ashton Crusher."
by Lola Samuels May 15, 2010
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