2 definitions by LittleAlbert

Jay-Z's golden goose, vibrates at the exact frequency needed for dumb rich white trash to oscillate at their wallet's fundamental frequency and give it all their money. The high pitched noise from all this vibrating and oscillating is extremely annoying to the vast majority of the fauna of planet Earth. This rare bird also exhibits highly visual but ultimately empty rituals, and its chant although not discordant is rather bland and common. Has a symbiotic relationship with a much more eye-pleasing but equally bland species, the Kardashian. It has a dark coat, and particularly dislikes paler birds, that often can sing much better and truer than itself, for example the EL-P.
This summer's Kanye West sure is annoying!
I wish those people feeding the Kanye would just die already...
Hopefully someone will shoot this annoying Kanye West so I can finally get some sleep!
by LittleAlbert February 14, 2015
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