5 definitions by Liiiiiiiiiiiii...chuck noris

A stupid joke that everyone hates and used to annoy people.
Fred: "Hey spell icup otherwise your not cool!"
Mark: " I see you pee!"
Fred: " What the hell you saw me pee through the closed door?! Have you got super vision?"

What it should be:

Fred: " Spell Icup"
Mark: "No. That's a dumb trick Fred."
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a mushy fruit with a banana peel and green when not ripe.
Give me back my banana!
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A secret language created from English. To translate from English, put the word “uvag” before the first vowel in the first syllable. Repeat in each syllable. For example, “Banana” becomes “buvaganuvaganuvaga.”
person 1: so so in uvaguv is suvago?
person 2: puvagerfuvagectuvago.
person 1: what
by Liiiiiiiiiiiii...chuck noris December 13, 2020
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chedr's nickname for seniac (see definition for seniac)
some person: who ping
some mod: senic
by Liiiiiiiiiiiii...chuck noris November 19, 2020
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