16 definitions by Lee Tatlock

a fruity upper-class snob.
"may i introduce Sir.Moominchild Bookreport the 3rd"
by Lee Tatlock February 5, 2004
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1.A male who has lots of sex is said to have fannyitous - to be addicted to women.
2.Genral vaginal desease.
"I'm itching like a mad man, i think i've caught fannyitous"
by Lee Tatlock February 5, 2004
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Offensive English word for someone who has long hair or dresses differently from the rest of the flock. Applied to people into alternative/Rock/Metal music. usually said by immature closed minded people who wear nothing but brand name clothes in various garish colours.
by Lee Tatlock February 5, 2004
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To have legs covered in shit from either not washing or stepping into a knee deep load of shit.
"my legs are covered in shit, i've got shlegs"
by Lee Tatlock February 5, 2004
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To put your penis between someone’s breasts and bringing yourself to climax by thrusting for a few minuets.
Also Known as - Mammary Masturbation, Tit Wank, Bub Rub, Wap Slap - etc.
"I wouldn't mind a nice soapy jug tug off her"
by Lee Tatlock February 5, 2004
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