10 definitions by Large Cheese 420

Callum Harries

Callum Harries is a Mexican Pornstar in Mexico and likes the colour Indigo!
OMG Callum Harries is the best!
by Large Cheese 420 January 9, 2020
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Ethan Griffiths

Ethan Griffiths means they have a long shlong
He’s got an Ethan Griffiths
by Large Cheese 420 January 9, 2020
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Moto Moto Porn

Moto Moto porn was discovered by Callum Harries in 1669 by watching hippos shag
by Large Cheese 420 January 10, 2020
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Carlos Carlos

Ur local nonce who hangs around with Mr. Harries
Damn, Carlos Carlos likes small pp
by Large Cheese 420 January 12, 2020
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Silent SFM

Silent SFM is a small Youtuber with over 500 subscribers! He does Five Nights At Freddy’s Animations on an app called Iyan3D pro!
Hey! Have you watched Silent SFM’s newest YouTube Video?
by Large Cheese 420 January 9, 2020
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A Professional Fortnut Gamer Who has played with Fortnite Ninja wich ngl is pretty cool! Ok that’s a lie but he does crank dem 90’s
Kemikl is absolutely oblitariating kids on Fortnut Battle Royale
by Large Cheese 420 January 12, 2020
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