13 definitions by LabMom

A term of endearment for a pet female Labrador dog.

Generally in use by owners of female Labradors, who wish to display the level of affection felt for such a worthy animal.

(See also: Labradorable)
Asker: Do you have any kids?
Speaker: I have a son and two black Labradaughters.
by LabMom June 25, 2009
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When you catch a flash of "The Big Picture" during the rambling thoughts after smoking weed. The saddest part is, only you actually understand it, and you can't really explain it well enough to get other people to see it too - and when you come down, you can barely remember it yourself.

A passing wisdom that is lost on the sane and sober. Still, it shows you what your mind could be capable of....
John: Mike was high as a kite and last night and was trying to tell me something about how angry people will eventually ruin the pharmaceutical industry....?

David: Yeah well he does that sometimes, it's just the Wisdom of the weed.

Mike (last night - thinking): La de dum, today is a happy day, it's nice and cool and my sweater feels nice and I never noticed it was such a nice shade of red - look at that, it's like that balloon in that German girl song the one with the armpit hair, what was her name, god was that 20odd years ago? surely I can't be that old...and....OMG! if angry people somehow get a hold of the drug that makes your memory vanish....etc etc etc....I'd better tell John so he can remember tomorrow when I don't....
by LabMom September 22, 2009
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What your husband now spends thousands of hours looking at on the internet instead of what he use to look at.

The overwhelming list of applications to choose from, that have taken over the obsessions of the Blackberryphiles.
I walked in to the office this morning and caught my husband Googling images of "Blackberry". I wish I'd never bought him it. Forget "Golf widow" I am a Blackberry widow. He spends all his time now looking at Blackberry porn.
by LabMom November 28, 2009
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What happens when a spoon and fork love each other very much.
The fork and the spoon were in the draw for a few weeks and when I opened it, it was full of sporks.
by LabMom March 18, 2010
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A web-whoops. One of the most common internet misspellings, where the intended word was "great" but the fingers were faster than the brain, and the brain forgot to spell-check. Other examples are coming and account, becoming "comign" and acocunt.

Excusable in ordinary conversation, but a disaster in an argument or flame war.
I took my son to Chuck E Cheese, it was greta!

Did you see the game? it was greta!

For vacation, we went to the Greta Lakes.
by LabMom November 3, 2009
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Contraction used to describe a fabulous Labrador!
I have two Labradaughters they are Labulous little girls!
by LabMom December 24, 2009
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