4 definitions by Kyle Warrican

The appropriate phrase to use in battle which means that a soldier in your group is lying on the ground. This has been twisted into Caribbean slang to signify the same thing in context but with literal meaning and sometimes physical. Usually as an answer or response to a situation where a person doesn’t overcome the obstacle in it’s path
Guy1: Wha you geh do on tha test brudda?
Guy2:*Hand Gesture* MAN DOWN!

Scene: A gang of dudes chilling outside talking Shit when somebody happens to fall in a humorous but serious manner,
Someone yells: MAN DOWN!
Similar to the word TEK OUT
by Kyle Warrican November 27, 2003
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A extract of the massively powerful Caribbean Bug spray (Baygon) designed to decompose/nullify the gay spores in infected objects and or people.
Guy1: Hey man here back your Group Se..I mean Deus Ex Cd man.
Guy2:*Takes it and puts it down* Aight man cool.
Guy3:*Comes in with a can marked "GAYGON" and they spray until completely covered*
Guy2: Did we have to finish the can?
Guy3: Yes, the gay is strong in that one...
by Kyle Warrican November 27, 2003
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Caribbean slang for the american word "Mother fucker" can be applied in varying situations.
by Kyle Warrican November 19, 2003
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Caribbean slang for the Phrase "Taken out". It's the past-tense of the verb" "Take him out" which actually means KNOCKED DA FUCK OUT in most cases..
Guy1: You see how pana Fall off da bike?
Guy2:*Says* TEK OUT!!
(Kind of like the Caribbean slang of "owned")
by Kyle Warrican November 27, 2003
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