3 definitions by Kutoban

Pronounced da-buh-die-says-u (the u is barely audible)

Internet slang for "I don't know you and you should go leave me alone but at the same time let's fuck bby."
Katie: Hi Mark!
Mark: Dabudaises
Katie: Wow, real chad here, let's do it!
by Kutoban February 3, 2021
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Used at the end of the sentence to refer to a person. Doesn't have to be a boy, can be any gender.
Johnny: I'm tellin ya bai, it's true!
Seán: Ori bai, no need to repeat yerself!
by Kutoban February 3, 2021
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The legendary first speech of the world's cutest shark girl.
Amelia: Umm... Gura? Why are you biting my door.#
Gura turn to face Amelia, and opens her mouth.
Gura: a.
Amelia: Oh, I see.
by Kutoban February 3, 2021
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