1021 definitions by Kung-fu Jesus

(n.) A calm, yet powerful force that is stupidly challenged by lesser forces who believe the calm nature of this power will succum to visciousness.
by Kung-fu Jesus May 5, 2004
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Popular phrase on T-shirts around the time frankie goes to hollywood released song relax. This was in reaction to some people calling for the song to be banned.
by Kung-fu Jesus May 1, 2004
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(n.) Earth moving down a hillside very fast, destroying everthing it its path. A large shift of mass.

(n.) When one party standing in an election takes a massive majority over all others, including the reigning party. The name comes from bar chart presentation, where the drawings resemble a landslide.
The landslide killed 18 peeps

He won by a landslide
by Kung-fu Jesus July 21, 2004
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The ending of the email attatchment I shall send you.
You gonna get sub7'D
by Kung-fu Jesus April 24, 2004
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(n.) A tours company specialising in finding lions and tigers, only in kenya.
Where can you see lions? Only in kenya.

See Kenya, forget norway
by Kung-fu Jesus May 14, 2004
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Gratuitous violence is violence for the sake of being violent. Usually assocciated with low budget movies and cult videogames. Given without need, often unrealistic.
by Kung-fu Jesus April 17, 2004
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Making an idiot of oneself. Acting immaturely.
Stop fooling around
by Kung-fu Jesus April 30, 2004
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