5 definitions by Konnor with a K

Something someone's profile on Facebook types when they have been spammed by an application, often an application that makes quizzes.
(posted on John's and John's friend's Walls)
John: fdsfd *Which Twilight character are you?* Result: Edward

*comment on post* Dude, I don't understand what you posted on your quiz.

*John's comment on post* What? I didn't take a quiz. Oh crap I've been spammed!
by Konnor with a K July 10, 2010
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the Red vs. Blue character Caboose's version of Tucker's "bow chicka bow wow"
Tucker:"I accidently gave Tex an ass full of lead!"
Caboose:"Hey chicka pom pom!"
Tucker:"Caboose what did i tell you about that?!"
Caboose:"Sorry...my bad...sorry."
by Konnor with a K November 16, 2008
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"Down to Mind-Fuck" Basically asking or telling if someone is ready to have an Inception-esque conversation that will blow your mind.
Chad: Hey are you DTMF?
Kelly: Totally. ;)
Chad: Sweet, so what do you think would happen if Pinocchio said "My nose will grow?"
by Konnor with a K September 14, 2011
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Cole MacGrath's style of free-running from the inFAMOUS game series. More extreme than normal parkour because of his electric powers.
Kuo - "Man, Cole really can climb those buildings pretty fast."

Zeke - "Yeah, we call it his 'Electrikour.'"
by Konnor with a K July 2, 2011
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A person that decides your conversation isn't important enough even for a simple "gtg" or "bye". They simply just stop texting as if they didn't get your last text.
John: "Dude, wtf? where'd you go last night?"

Jack: "Oh sorry man, I was bored with our convo so i stopped texting."

John: "You're a total text-ditcher!"
by Konnor with a K May 24, 2010
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