3 definitions by Koala in pajamas

The disease acquired from watching wayyy to much YouTube. This disease is very contagious as friends pass on there addiction to other friends. Symptoms include: Ditching guys night for a Tyler Oakley double upload, waiting until 3 6 and 8 pm for your favorite youtubers videos.

This disease is NOT when someone likes a YouTuber and sees one of their vids is up and casually clicks.
Hey Richie, I used to think you could never watch enough youtube but now that Derrick has YouTube Watcher Syndrome, I might stop all together.

Dude you ready to hang out tonight?
Nah i've gotta watch CaptainSparklz new MC vid tonight sorry.
by Koala in pajamas March 2, 2015
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A bunch of kids who refer to themselves as "razz", commonly used by people trying to be hip, cool, or popular. Can also be reffered to as Swagbunchle
Dude those kids thing they are so cool, they're just a rassybunchle
by Koala in pajamas February 23, 2015
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A college alcohol game involving running and beer cans. After the player is already shit faced. They chose a target, shotgun a cold one, and book it. If they reach the destination without falling they win. If they fall they must try again, no matter how faded they are.
Ayyyy Jared it's your turn on the Shotrun!

Eh i dont know man I don't think I'll make

it and I can't drink that much more

Fucking pussy!
by Koala in pajamas April 18, 2017
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