45 definitions by Kj

The roll of flesh that can sometimes be seen hanging over the waistband of low-rider pants. Usually caused by the combination of a belly shirt, low-rider jeans, and a failed sense of what looks good.
Her bloopover makes me think of the Michelin Man.
by Kj March 10, 2005
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A Ford Ranger. Their dad pays for it, but she drives it and mucks it up with mardi gras beads on the mirror and a bobble head dog on the dashboard.
I left the mall and couldn't find my chick truck in the parking lot.
by Kj October 4, 2003
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To pull your pants down in the back expose your bare ass. Some times used in the bare ass face fart. when a fart is 'bare assed" it allows it to dissapate more rapidly in the air allowing less reaction time in your surrounding crowd.
Man, sams bare ass fart cleared the room in under 4.3
by Kj November 17, 2003
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A button down shirt with a pattern or style that gives it a rather femine quality.
My brother really knows how to rock a man blouse.
by Kj October 4, 2003
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A man so great, so Hot, so awesome and just over all cool women flock to him and men bow to his over all greatness.
"Wow john! at that party you were such a Ky-dogg"
"I wish i could be more Ky-dogg like"
by Kj April 7, 2003
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Dominique:(on am IM) Hey i didnt know jay-z left rock-a-fella
Shawn: He didnt, he left ROC-a-fella
by Kj March 7, 2005
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Something not politically correct and said with a brooklyn twang.
"Damm you paid 700 for a pair of rubber!" that is a sheenisum.
by Kj March 31, 2005
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