2 definitions by KilljoyKitten

(pronounced loo-key)
1. the last name of a substitute teacher who was infamously caught masturbating in a Connecticut high school hallway on February 26, 2014. Reportedly has amnesia and was "fixing a wardrobe malfunction".
2. to whip it out and start jacking off in a public place in the aforementioned manner.
1. A: You hear about that Luecke guy?
B: Yeah, a real tear-jerker, isn't it?
2. A: Ugh, all these girls make me so horny. Must... Not.... Fap....
B: Don't pull a Luecke bro
by KilljoyKitten January 12, 2015
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the hardest class to ever exist, usually taken in junior year. Typically, one spends a minimum of four hours per night reading historical-sounding literature and writing essay-length responses to study questions and definitions created by the Devil himself in order to pass. The teacher then picks random students to read out their essays and assigns them a grade based on how much they like/dislike the student. Students often fall asleep in this class due to the tedious amount of homework, and the students who manage to stay awake either didn't do the homework or copied. After about eight tedious assignments and readings, the students take a test which consists of multiple-choice questions based on minor details and an essay in which in order to get an A, the student is expected to spit back the teacher's exact views on the topic. In this class, 70 is the new 100. Anyone who manages to get an A in this class is either:
* A cheater
* A future history major
* Has no life
* Sucks the teacher's dick
* A motherfucking sorcerer
"George: Andy can I copy your APUSH homework?
Andy: Sure dude"

"Katie: FUCK YES! I got a C+ this quarter in APUSH!
Mary: Hahaha I got a 100 all quarters
*Katie proceeds to bitch slap Mary*"

"Bob: Dude what'd you get on the test?
Joe: I got a 70 because I didn't know what color hat John C. Calhoun wore in his speech defending slavery"

"Sophomore: I'm taking APUSH next year
Junior: Hahaha welcome to hell"
by KilljoyKitten May 28, 2014
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