5 definitions by KillaKan

Common word used for a really annoying person just to piss them off.
man, shutup u stupid fuzzylumpkins
by KillaKan June 20, 2005
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another name for Rocky (Sylvester Stalone).
"In this corner Rocky, The Italian Stallion!"
"And in this corner MRRRRRRR. T!"
by KillaKan August 22, 2005
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Soldier- Gosh, I hate them dang Rabi-Rustler's with the hail, and the Guns, and the oh my gosh look at those hats.
by KillaKan August 22, 2005
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A word used for pitfork.
everyone get ur Hick Stick's and get some killin in. YEEEEHAAAAAH!
by KillaKan June 20, 2005
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