15 definitions by Kevin N' Kyle and Company

A phrase to show one's affection to another. 10th grade science class where i come from is CHEMISTRY. If the person that you tell this phrase to asks WHY? Just say "cause there's sooo much chemistry."
Friend 1: "I love you like 10th grade science class..."

Friend 2: "Why?"

Friend 1: "Cause there's sooo much chemistry!"
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A phrase used for the wealthy. Only for the wealthy... you have to be rich to afford a yacht.
Simile Phrase: What ever floats your boat.
Rich girl: "I really want to get this 280,000 car, but I really like this 280,001 car... Well, I'll get the 280,001 car. I like it better than the 280,000 car..."

Other: "What ever floats your yacht."

Rich girl: "Well it can't be my money, cause it's heavy... idk. I'll have to ask my daddy.."
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Deserving or inspiring ridicule; absurd, preposterous, or silly. See Synonym, foolish.

that's 'dece'...

that's 'legit'...

most 'deff'...

that's 'rad'...

that's 'redic'...
by Kevin N' Kyle and Company December 15, 2005
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1. A word which means dissent.(idk if i spelt that right, but anyways...)it's not too bad but it's not great, wonderful, amazing, out of this world either...

2. Second place.

3. This.

4. emo music.

5. A "B+" on your report card.(J to the K, that really pisses me off!)
girl 1: "Robby is a gorgeous offspring."
girl 2: "Nah, he's dis. I preffer David."
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Defenition 1: This word can replace a noun, if done correctly.

Defenition 2: If one can't think of a cool come back. This is the phrase to use.
Guy 1: "Whoa! U made cool sound effects with that paper bag..."
Guy 2: "UR MOM makes cool sound effect!"
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A "UR MOM" come-back but more rad. It then continues to "that's what SHE said" if necessary.
boy "I wish I saw you in a thong..."
girl "That's what ur mom said!"
boy "oh my God... Jesus."
girl "That's what SHE said!"
boy "wait, who said it?"
girl "ur mom"
by Kevin N' Kyle and Company October 22, 2005
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Thanks to Tom Anderson established in 2003 this widely used online profile have now become a person's life. A popular feature is the ability to assemble galleries of friends, with their photographs linking to their own pages. (As at many networking sites, MySpace members must receive permission from other members before adding them as friends, and sometimes "friendship" is no deeper than a brief e-mail exchange.)

Myspace has become the place for geeks/emos/scenesters/bands/preps and others alike to prove how they 'truly' are by informing others in the about me section. You add everyone from the guy you were too scared to talk to, to comment and say the unforgettable how are u? or watz up? question or the 'good' girl in school whose photos consist of the partially nude her. It is the ultimate ego booster, when people you don't know tell you “hey you got aim? Ur hot

You over load the music section, naming every band you've heard of, as in... just heard of, not listened to. It is a competition of how many bands you can name and how many friends you can get in a given time. A way to test your popularity and flaunt it by saying to your friends the next day in school "So I got 27 friend requests yesterday" - "Well I got 87..." - "...oh....". Groups are also made to have similar people in one place where again they post bulletins, message each other, post pictures and add friends.

The term "whore" is for whoring, the way to advertise one's self or other's in bulletins. The repeating of ADD ME until it is noticed and praising one's self with 'I'm hot and I comment back' is just all game. Friendship is as deep as a rain puddle. Spamming or 'raping' comment boxes with ADD MEs are just as game as whoring.

Myspace was originally for bands to spread or share music, Tom was in a band, he came up with an idea and it was myspace.

::wakes up:: "I think I'll check my myspace"

"post this bulletin or you will die in 7 days!"

"omgeez, I hate you, ur hella gone off of my friends list..."

"what!? you don't know what a myspace is? what's wrong with you... EVERYONE knows what a myspace is..."
by Kevin N' Kyle and Company December 28, 2005
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