28 definitions by Keronica Kadwell

The act or acts of acting/sensationalizing or being a crusy crustacean.

*may also be related to cats, though, cats aren’t crustaceans*
That was a sincere act of crustaceanalism
by Keronica Kadwell October 19, 2018
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A word to describe one’s best friend who eats cheesies- jalapeño. The accent on the end of the ‘e’ in croustillanté, just adds a bit of Spanish spice to the word.
What up, croustillanté?!”
by Keronica Kadwell February 16, 2018
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The act or action(s) of portraying a minuscule state of existence: minisculiosity.
J.O. “I’m feeling a bit meek and tiny today after not getting that promotion.”

P.F.: “you’re suffering from a case of minisculiosity.”
by Keronica Kadwell February 11, 2018
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Parking hither and tither without a license and a genuine need to sleep within or atop a vehicle.
Person J: “Hey, I think someone’s been dipping into the sherry again...

Person P: “Don’t worry about person C; he’s trailor-parking; even has his head rested on the hood of that duct-taped-up Hyundai.”
by Keronica Kadwell January 10, 2019
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A state of realization that one is even more depressed when drunk than when sober.
Person A: "What's the matter?"
Person B: "I'm suffering from melancholicolica."
Person A: "You know that drinking is bad for your depression."
Person B: "Yah, I know."
by Keronica Kadwell October 12, 2008
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A dirty bush pig could also be described as an unclean human being that looks like they just came out of an extended camping trip where no water was available.
“Don’t be act like dirty bushpigs! Clean up after yourself! You look terrible! Have you been into the pills again?!
by Keronica Kadwell February 5, 2018
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Wavular; put simply, is like the word tubular- except that when you’re “wavular” you’re riding the waves. (Not “tubing” like on a hill in Canada.
These tubes are wavular!

tubing waves surfing awesomeness groovy The Beach Boys
by Keronica Kadwell February 4, 2018
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