36 definitions by KawaiiAnime

When I went to school, I read a nice book and also got a girlfriend!
by KawaiiAnime November 2, 2003
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The ougi (succession technique) of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu. Basically a Battou Jutsu that surpasses Shin Soku (God Speed).
Hiko taught Kenshin Hiten Mitsirugi ryu in Kyoto for the battle against Mokoto Shishio.
by KawaiiAnime November 26, 2003
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an erected penis (boner, stiffy, chubby)
When she comes over to me, i get a hard on and it dont stop till tomorrow one of these days im gonna cum, IN MAH PANTS
by KawaiiAnime November 22, 2003
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A great Sega genesis game. It involves a guy and the jungle.
As i speak, my parents are playing it.
by KawaiiAnime November 26, 2003
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