12 definitions by Katya Eye

British slang for "Holy fuck", or "Aw damn", and other similar phrases. Saying the term with a British accent makes it sound more legit, even if you aren't British.
Bob: Hey Frank, I think you're house is on fire!
Frank: Oh twatting hell, not again!
by Katya Eye November 28, 2015
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When someone uses an inappropriate part of their home as an atrium, such as a bathroom.
Pete: Did you use the bathroom already?
Dan: No! There was too many damn plants in the way... nice AINTrium!
by Katya Eye September 23, 2014
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Someone who is very stiff and stupid; a very lazy moron; one who is paralyzed by lack of thought or ambition.
Roommate 1: Hey rigormoron, did you get off the couch at all today and look for a job?

Roommate 2: Nope, I seen stuff on TV though.
Roommate 1: You need a shower dude, and a new place to live.
by Katya Eye January 7, 2015
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After reading some words and their definitions on Urban Dictionary, you start to realize a lot of things on the site are bullshit and should have never made it onto the site. This is known as an urdic fail.
Yo, did you read the words of the day on Urban Dictionary today?

Yeah, pretty lame shit. All urdic fails.
by Katya Eye November 28, 2015
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A face or hiney that is perfectly symmetrical- i.e. the cheeks are of equal proportion and position on both sides.
Jay: Man, I love J-Lo's butt, it's perfect!!

Dave: Yeah it's nice! Her plastic surgeon made it look so cheequal.
by Katya Eye November 26, 2013
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