5 definitions by KatKnipp

Wife: Hey, your going to your Man Cave?
Husband: Yep. Need some me time.
Wife: That's okay, I have my she shed.
by KatKnipp November 26, 2015
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Any semen spilled after midnight right after sex or masturbation
After John jacks it after midnight: I better clean up this midnight mayonnaise before my parents arrive in several hours!
by KatKnipp July 22, 2015
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An ungodly gas that comes out of the Devil's Asshole in video games (i.e. Silent Hill, Beyond Two Souls...)
Push the fart gas into my head!
by KatKnipp May 13, 2015
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Slang short for Convention Virgin used to describe someone who has never been to a convention like an Anime Convention, Comic Con or the like.
You never been to a convention? Ladies and Gentlemen we have ourselves here a con virgin! Let's break her in!
by KatKnipp July 24, 2015
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