27 definitions by Karl Hungus

The guy who everybody knows, and ax's for by name when someone's wife needs busting out. He is also known as is Cuckoldus Bustemoutis. The cucks who need this service are usually uptight and hypertensive, and a large percentage have small heads and weiners, and shriveled balls.
Ole Cuck Buster was at it again, Staci called it with Amanda. She got tooled out like nobody's business and of course her husband paid the bill for lunch. Next thing you know, the kids will be calling him uncle Charlie.
by Karl Hungus March 19, 2023
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Placing two to three sheets of toilet paper lengthwise along the long axis of the inspection shelf portion of a toilet. The purpose is to reduce the friction of stool as the toilet is flushed and virtually eliminate skid marks as the log goes down the flume.
That was the largest beef I have ever laid out. I am so glad I did a good pre-flight on that inspection shelf. That turd went for a magic carpet ride !

Please lay down a magic carpet when using the water closet, my back hurts and I am tired of scrubbing burn-outs off my porcelain. Danke !
by Karl Hungus February 5, 2023
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A femme Matt, binary. Gender specifically a female who is not as smart as she thinks she sounds. Sometimes with a proportioned head, which is rare among Matt’s. AKA Offensive.
That Mattress Staci is a real R in the morning especially when insufficiently caffeinated. She does have a huge following on that foot page on OnlyFans, there are a lot of Troy69s however. Not sure they all count.
by Karl Hungus March 30, 2023
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A problem of fat people being when they see someone else eating, the eat also. Often to excess.
I was watching the Food Network last night and I wanted to go eat because of it, I may have a fat people problem.
by Karl Hungus October 6, 2020
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Giving another person or sometimes and inanimate object an extra intimate hug. And when you do, you straddle the target area with one or more leg so that your dick region, or where a pen15 object may grow or where one used to grow, or where you want to grow one, physically rubs up against your significant item. It is literally the opposite of a one arm- ass-out hug, and it is also meant to be the exact opposite. You want your sausage in their pocket, and you want them to know it is there, and you care.
I hadn't seen Stu in years, and I missed him. So, I went in for a loving dick lean. And to my surprise and joy, he dick leaned me back! We just stood their and leaned in some more.
by Karl Hungus February 5, 2023
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The most notorious move in all of Russian wrestling. Usually performed when one wrestler is on top of the other in a rear mount. Only the most skilled wrestler has even the slightest chance of escape. Once the maneuver has been successfully executed, the victor may stand up and cheer CREAM CHEESE !! Usually the crowd will as well.
Nickolai Volkoff had the Iron Sheik face down on the mat, with one boot on his spine. He stood up an shouted CREAM CHEESE ! Then he made the Shiek submit after performing the Russian Pretzel Lock.
by Karl Hungus March 9, 2023
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The art of taking a domesticated feline, preferably an adult one and putting in a toilet bowl and closing the lid. It is a daunting chore akin to getting a dog into a bathtub. Very tricky, but once you have it down, it is pure joy.
Stacie was tired of that old tabby cat, so she put that cat in a toilet. And when she let it out, it ran out of the house and never came back. Great way to un-ass a stupid cat.

I never noticed how big Katlyn's mouthhole was until she crushed that cinnamon bun. I bet you could stuff your pork sword and your whole coin purse in her maw. It would be a task, like getting a cat in a toilet.
by Karl Hungus February 5, 2023
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