3 definitions by Jorbecca

When a man rubs his flaccid member on an unsuspecting woman.
"That guy Bill in our class is so gross"
"He doesn't seem that bad."
"Trust me, he gave me a soft collins the other day!"
by Jorbecca July 18, 2016
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Rhymes with radio.

One who plays their music at an excessive volume in the car so that everyone around them knows how super cool and neat they are.
"Wow can you hear that radiho next to us?"
"Yeah, their taste in music is terrible, but they play it so loud that they MUST be cool!"
by Jorbecca June 23, 2016
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"Hey, Andy, how did your date go?"
"Not so great. She took one look at my dork dick and left."
by Jorbecca June 22, 2016
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