10 definitions by Jonjo

The cereal you can eat even though there is no spoon
Matrix-O's crap up your system even though they don't exist. That's some achievement.
by Jonjo February 26, 2005
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Expression from Chris Fox's "Wizard's Brew."
Means a cock-up, or unholy mess. The name comes from a traditional beverage made by wizards. The recipe is secret, but is believed to involve raw alcohol, Sulphur and old potato peelings
by Jonjo March 27, 2005
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Slang word for hash(look at your mobile phone).
have you got any undernine?
by Jonjo January 9, 2005
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Man who was nailed to a plank for saying how nice it would be if everyone was nice to each other. Had his message misinterpreted by millions who now think it is their job to persecute certain groups of people(christians).
Jesus:be nice to others.
by Jonjo January 16, 2005
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An animal invented by Strong Bad in the email"Animal."
Umhow about… the red steckled elbermung?
by Jonjo December 29, 2005
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WARNING:do NOT try this,we're unsure of the dangers

When you get kneel down and breath in and out really fast,you are bear hugged,lifted up and given a blowback.
You hold this in and then you get about 2 other people to prop you up horizontally and gently lower you down to the ground. This makes you semi-concious for a couple of seconds. Invented in Ireland by a Pot enthusiast
I got a Dizzylander and i feel great
by Jonjo November 18, 2004
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