67 definitions by JonathanChance

Nickname given to the Hawker Hurricane, A British WWII fighter. Made a name for itself during the Battle of Britian, where Hurricanes and Spitfires bravley defended British cities from attack by German bombers.
by JonathanChance September 30, 2003
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Any college course that requires a grade of C or better to move on to a more advance class or to earn a degree. Failure to eran the required C in these classes often results in people either changing majors dropping out of college.
Did you hear that Joe got a C- in College Algebra? Now that he's hit a C-wall, he's going to have to become a theatre major just like us.
by JonathanChance October 2, 2003
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A person who pratices autoerotic asphyxiation or paraphilia, a practice where someone temporarily cuts off their own air supply by means of a ligature or some other sort of self-asphyxiation device during sex or masturbation.
by JonathanChance October 1, 2003
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Nickname given to the Westland Lysander, a single engine utility aircraft used for the delivery of supplies to allied bases and the inserstion of spies into Axis territory dring World War Two.
by JonathanChance September 29, 2003
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