1 definition by Johnny35

A Marxist cult and hate group, masquerading as an “equality movement”. Which followers represent the gravest of threats to a man’s welfare and well-being.

In their neurosis, its followers very often show, an astonishing lack of self-awareness, in terms of how hateful and sexist they are towards men. These women are just so awful, crazy, hateful, and possessed by their ideology, delusions, victim complex and far left nutjobbery. That the “feminist girlfriend experience”. Can extinguish a man’s powerful sex drive and cause them to swear off women for life, drive them to insanity and even turn some men gay.

Woke leftist SJW feminist women, truly are awful beyond comprehension….they are very bad…and for the sake of a man’s well-being. It is not good to associate with those women; in any way shape or form! Indeed, over the years, any mention of “feminism” “manspreading” “mansplaining” “toxic masculinity” etc and I have walked away, while they were still talking and henceforth; ignored them…… as I don’t converse with them. Any decent, respectable woman, looking for a husband.

Would do well to “snipe” a man, who is a survivor of the “feminist girlfriend experience”. Never before, will you have met a man, who will cherish, adore and treat you so well. As they will then, feel so deliriously happy and appreciative, to have got themselves a “normal girlfriend”. Parents everywhere, have a responsibility, to warn their sons about the feminazis.
After being indoctrinated into the cult of feminism. Nancy got herself a feminism symbol tattoo, dyed her hair blue, grew out her leg hair and transformed, from a charming, intelligent, respectable, girlfriend material sort of girl. Into an angry, entitled, sexist, delusional, victim playing, man hating, pink hat wearing, moron. Others suspect that she has had a lobotomy.
by Johnny35 October 29, 2021
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