3 definitions by Joel1952

While participating in the sport of cycling (riding a bicycle) the act of standing up on the pedals to relieve, or prevent, the pain from the pressure of the small saddle.
Hey, I need to give myself a butt-break before I get saddlesore.

When you coast downhill, it is a good time for a butt-break
by Joel1952 March 19, 2006
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Taking a rest from gay (homosexual), typically anal sex.
Ya think that flamer needs to take a butt-break.
by Joel1952 March 19, 2006
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A rowing team, in the sport of crew, that competes in the Macabbiah Games (a version of the Olympics held in Israel, open to individuals that are of Jewish heritage)
That coxed-four is pretty fast, for a Jew Crew.

Look at the curly-haired little cox in that boat.
by Joel1952 March 19, 2006
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