3 definitions by JoQo

verb. to disappear from, decline, or cancel a speaking engagement for the flimsiest of reasons; to just suddenly disappear; to turn coward at the first hint of being asked serious questions in front of an audience.

from the name of a former senator of the Philippines, who, on several occasions, failed to appear as scheduled, citing reasons even a second grader would find laughable.
Dude, we're scheduled to defend our research paper on Tuesday. Do a bongbong on us and we'll make sure you never graduate.
by JoQo January 28, 2022
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the uncontrollable urge to load one's sentence with more words than is necessary; to be extremely verbose; to suffer from flowery speech.

from Panelo, a Philippine lawyer who served as presidential spokesman for a time, known for his flowery statements and outrageous fashion sense.
Five minutes into the speaker's address, I tuned out. He was obviously suffering from panelologia
by JoQo December 28, 2022
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the urge to whack on the head someone who constantly interrupts you while you're speaking.

kutos (Tagalog), to whack on the head
Tito Boy is lucky I wasn't his guest, otherwise, I'd have given him a massive kutos interruptus for cutting me in mid-sentence. He should let his interviewees talk, for crying out loud!
by JoQo January 26, 2022
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