4 definitions by Jimmy Mahoney

after being fisted by a samoan man a woman finds that her pussy is very droopy and slimy
1."bro i gave her a loose clam."

by Jimmy Mahoney November 11, 2007
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when you fuck a gurl without any pubic hair until ur inside her and u realize that the inside of her pussy is hairy.
"you dont want to hit up that chick...shes a got a bristly slit on her"
by Jimmy Mahoney November 11, 2007
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when a man over 70 takes a day off to J-off. and when he cums, powder puffs out of his dick hole. and showers the room with a baking soda-like substance.
"i walked in my grandparents house, and walking into the room my grandpa showered me with his powder shot"
by Jimmy Mahoney November 11, 2007
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when a woman is so tight that when a guy puts it in her and fucks her real hard he tries takin it out and in the process it pulls her pussy inside out
1."last night i was fucking this 3 year old and i accindently gave her a dirty kleenix"
by Jimmy Mahoney November 11, 2007
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