6 definitions by Jerry D

A place that does not exist, used when telling of the impossibility of a certain event.
"The Tampa Bay Devil Rays will win the World Series this year."
"Maybe in the Land of No!"
by Jerry D May 6, 2003
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Guy 1: "Oh, dak!"
Guy 2: "You, sir, are a fuckward."
by Jerry D May 10, 2003
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A fox, usually having more than one tail. See wordTails/word.
by Jerry D April 29, 2003
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A corruption of wordvictory/word, meaning a win.
The winning boxer claimed victoly.
by Jerry D May 10, 2003
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Like or resembling a raccoon
If you knew what procyonine meant before you saw this page, you are smart.
by Jerry D May 10, 2003
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