4 definitions by Jeff Jencks

A third-person possessive pronoun used when the gender of a person is unknown or when the person is a blend of genders such as a transvestite.
by Jeff Jencks January 29, 2008
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A third-person direct-object pronoun used when the gender of a person is unknown or when the person is a blend of genders such as a transvestite.
The baby needed surgery because hon had both kinds of genitals.
by Jeff Jencks January 29, 2008
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A third-person pronoun used when the gender of a person is unknown or when the person is a blend of genders such as a transvestite.
Jhe couldn't decide which bathroom to use.
by Jeff Jencks January 29, 2008
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A third-person reflexive pronoun used when the gender of a person is unknown or when the person is a blend of genders such as a transvestite.
by Jeff Jencks January 29, 2008
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