3 definitions by Jeff Ansell

A mix of popular music, mostly in remixed versions that comes on the radio station 97.1 in Michigan, and the surrounding states. This airs on Saturday nights at 7 pm to somwhere around 12 am and you can call in and request music to play. calling about 20 minutes before they take calls to hear online is a good idea if you want to be heared. If you end up missing this, it re-airs on sunday nights, same time but they will not take calls then. On weekdays this radio station WILL NOT reach out to other states, it only airs so far around its main base, which is located somewhere in Escanaba, Michigan.
Open house party: a popular mixture of music on an FM radio station in Michigan.
by Jeff Ansell April 1, 2008
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Another word for cheesing from the TV show "South Park" in which a male cat interacts with another male cat and marks its territory, ultimatly having its urine snuffed in a way to get high and go into a trip almost like LSD but with more breasts.
Mary Jane Piss in yo face fun time was Kenny's new hobbie.
by Jeff Ansell April 1, 2008
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