13 definitions by Jasper

The art of jacking off in public with one watching.
You are getting quite good at the art of Jasperbation.
by Jasper September 27, 2003
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a facial expression that a person gets after smoking a marijuana cigarette.
Look at Jerry he's had permagrin for an hour... fucking stoner.
by Jasper November 12, 2003
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The act of being so absolutely diu that you no longer are just diu, you are officialy a diusor. Used as a noun, the word means the opposite of l33tsor, and roxor. This word comes from the combination of cantonese and h4ck3r language. See Diu and roxor.
Dude, you're being lame, stop being sucha a diusor.
by Jasper February 15, 2005
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An idyllic paradise full of the wonders of modern man. A tribute to mans’ endeavors to become a thinking intellectual being. A place where many want to exist but unfortunately only a few are able to make this dream a reality. A god like community whose soul purpose is to be a beacon of shining light to lesser areas and communities Myshall for example.
by Jasper January 21, 2004
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Man, that's one weemy haircut you got there! ^.^
by Jasper April 22, 2004
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