3 definitions by Jarrell_lynn1234

the death of all teenagers, this math is actually pointless and should only be taught to the sharpest of minds. i you are thinking about taking algebra don't its the biggest waste of time of your life. YOU WON'T passssss.
algebra sucks
by Jarrell_lynn1234 March 28, 2019
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She is probably a great friend and would drop anything to help you. She is easily irritated so don't mess with her cause she will COME AT YOU. She takes a while to gain your trust but once she does you will probably become her best friend and she will be the most trustworthy person you've ever met. She has her secrets that she only tells one person and most the time keeps her feelings to herself unless she really trusts you. Jenny has no problem sticking to something that she is passionate about and is very successful at everything she puts her mind to and has a brighter future than most. Jennifer is also really smart and makes good grades she is always studying or has a book in her hand! if not she is on her phone helping a friend or talking to that someone special. all in all Jenny is a great person and definitely someone you would want to have on your side, especially during hard times. she keeps you and herself driven and wouldn't GIVE UP on her friend for the world. If you meet a jenny treat her with respect and hold onto her.
Jenny is thic!
by Jarrell_lynn1234 March 28, 2019
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they are like twinkies but a person softies on the outside and a little too creamy on the inside. They are super sensitive people and cry over EVERYTHING. they would be the type of person to make you write an apology letter. But if you ever had to talk about your problems the person with this last name would be there for you soooo yea
aye look it's the henkes family!
by Jarrell_lynn1234 March 28, 2019
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