3 definitions by JamesCT

(noun) Daring to tread where others fear to.
She had the temerity to challenge her superior
by JamesCT April 26, 2006
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(noun) Chiefly British. Term for individual with conservative ideals and/or membership of the Conservative political party. Typically a member of the privileged élite, typified in Parliament by old-Etonians groomed for Oxbridge and further successes in their well-fed, cosseted, self-indulgent lives. Tories (plural) tend to go through life blissfully unaware of the realities most people face. Underneath all the rhetoric policies are aimed at further creation of wealth amongst the affluent and disdain for classes considered 'below' themselves.
David Cameron was the iconic Tory.
by JamesCT April 26, 2006
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Roonerspism is the Spoonerism of Spoonerism
by JamesCT April 26, 2006
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