12 definitions by James J. Mitchell

One's stuff, junk, geedunk. Also could mean mud, or anything icky that one tracks in on their boots or gets on their shirt.
Secondary meaning - Bullcrap or horse sh-t.
Pronounced like it looks - like quick with a German accent.
(First coined in the midwest in the early 1970's.)
"I'm sick and tired of all your kvik cluttering up my apartment!"
"After cutting through my wet yard, he tracked kvik all over the brand-new carpeting."
"Let's cut through all the kvik. What are you trying to say?"
"Bob just sat at the kitchen table and started diggind brown, waxy kvik out of his ear with his finger. How gross is that?"
by James J. Mitchell August 31, 2006
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To act weird in public just for grins. To play a practical joke. To try to freak people out by calculatedly bizarre behavior. To mess with peoples' minds.
NOUN: The act itself.
"We like to noss whenever we're in a crowd."
"Don't mind me, I'm just nossing."
"Do you think his act was serious, or was it just a big noss?"
"I noss, therefore I'm weird."
Term coined in Indianapolis, Indiana in early 1970's.
by James J. Mitchell September 6, 2006
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Duct tape, used as a restraint, or for purposes of muffling human speech, cries, or screams.
"I couldn't get the kids to behave, so I threatened to use babysitter's helper on the little ankle-biters and they straightened right up."
"Some babysitter's helper across the mouth might get her to shut up."
by James J. Mitchell August 31, 2006
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To accept one's fate. To give in to the inevitable.
From an old saying of unknown origin.
"Fate is a stubborn mule; sometimes you've got to give in and make peace with the donkey."
"Joe decided to make peace with the donkey and accept his punishment like a man."
"There's no point in living in the past. Make peace with the donkey and get on with your life."
by James J. Mitchell September 6, 2006
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Noun: fool, boob, specifically a cross between a fool and a boob.
"That joe is a complete foob."
by James J. Mitchell August 31, 2006
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