24 definitions by James Bourne

A gay version of all your base are belong to us all your base are belong to us all your base are belong to us, which is funny, cause the origional is just as gaygaygay.
When Uncle FunkalunkelUncle FunkalunkelUncle Funkalunkel walked into the Blue Oyster Club and saw all the hot leather clad men, he pulled out his wanker and yelled, "all your ass are belong to us!"
by James Bourne March 24, 2004
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A politcial theory where every person in a society is equal, given all life needs (food, shelter, ect.) equally, and where there is no central governing body or group opf people (hard to have everyone be equal with a few leaders telling the masses what to do).

In theory, the most utopian and 'perfect' of the 3 major social forms.

In practice, can never effectivly happen in practice mainly because tghe average human being needs and desires asome sort of governing structure, whether it be very strict (See facisim ) or very loosly (See anarchist) applied.

This structure tend to fall into a more Socialist social order when applied in the real world. Eventhough the orgionators fo this social order said this structure would be best suited for the large Capitolistic nations of their era (England, USA, ect.), the most noted use of this system was inside the Former Soviet Union and the Peoples Repulic of China.

The Soviet system, though lasting over 7 decades, ended with the country ditching the One Party system for a more Democratic based model after the country practically became bankrupt in 1989. China has grown more Socialist since it's conversion to the Commuinst structure in 1947, mainly do to their laxing, however small, of certain 'communist' ideals for more democratic princliples (such as individualism and ownership of property).

by James Bourne September 28, 2003
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Physical hand gesture that usually means wordfuck you. wordKK and wordDoom use this all the time.
The deaf man couldn't hear what his wordasshole nieghbor was saying, so he just displayed the middle finger.
by James Bourne September 6, 2003
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what kk and doom classify most of those that exsist around them. assholes like Uncle Funkalunkel fit into this catagory, for they like to talk alot of shit but can not back it up.
That piece of shit Uncle Funkalunkel is one dumb ass mother fucker.
by James Bourne February 19, 2004
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Oral pleasuring of the female vagina in an attempt to make her cum. Also called Carpet Munching, Dining at the Y, or Enjoying a Tuna Taco.
Dr. Phil said to Oprah," I can't better your life through cunnilingus".
by James Bourne September 6, 2003
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HWat the bitch does to my thropbbing cock in order to make it drop a load in her face.
Yo, Bithc," Martin exclaimed," Instead of jamming with that ho, why don't you git your sweet ass over heerre and suck me off!"
by James Bourne September 25, 2003
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