10 definitions by Jaggerrules

Piece of crap store that sells overpriced "health" products to idiots who dont know that they can buy the same thing for half price on the internet. Usually caters to Meatheads, wannabe Meatheads, Jr. Meatheads, Old People and people chasing that illusive "theatricle cumshot".
Hey Jim, You might as well use that GNC Gold Card to wipe your ass!!
by Jaggerrules July 14, 2004
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Annoying video game cliche, thanks to mortal combat, usually said when the opponent is already obviously dead/dying and the sick fuck with the controller wants to see an extra gruseome death in 8 bit graphics.
by Jaggerrules July 14, 2004
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When not dealing drugs, the candy man appears behind his attractive female victims after they say his name three times while looking in a mirror.

Also the worse series of movies ever filmed, with the possible exception of Pumpkin Head and the Craft.
"You lookin fo candy man, you found him bitch" - Dude in bathroom Candyman II
by Jaggerrules July 14, 2004
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Evil incarnation of the Mario Brothers, also goes by the name "Wario" has been known to terrorize the country of Iraq and the Mushroom Kingdom, resides in Bagdhad, Tikrit, Drain Pipes, and The cloud level.
Saddam and Mario look like the same guy..
by Jaggerrules July 14, 2004
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A TV with a 7 inch screen and 85 inch console usually made out of cheap immitaiion wood and fashioned into some hideous design involving pillars. Always equiped with a UHF analog dial for channel changing and a two screw UHF input jack which is not cable ready.
Hey wanna throw that eighties TV into that wood chipper.
by Jaggerrules July 14, 2004
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An ugly goateed middle-aged asshole that fucks "milfs" on the internet even though he is probably older than all of them, for three reasons..

1. The chick they claim is 39 is really 19.

2. The guy is just fucking old.

3. And kind of fat.

How can the site be hot if the guy fucking the milfs is a grandpa that nobody wants to fuck.
Hey, i think i saw the milf hunter guy at the old folks home the other day!
by Jaggerrules July 14, 2004
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