187 definitions by Jafje

Selfrightious means to think that you are the only one that is right, everyone else is wrong.

A thing a selfrightious person would say:

'I'm right, you're wrong, I'm smart, you're dumb.'

He's selfrightious, he thinks he's always right.
by Jafje June 6, 2007
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1. Gesture and words of courtesy or pleasantness, protocol.

2. An attractive extra: the features that, when taken together, make a place such as a hotel or resort attractive to guests or customers.

3. A Luxery when in a poor or undeveloped country.
1. The secretary of state and the foreign minister engaged in the usual diplomatic amenities before signing the treaty.

2. Usual amenities such as hair dryers and a microwave in every room.

3. Having a pool in your back yard is considered an amenity when you live in Africa.
by Jafje April 18, 2007
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1) Tool: a useful piece of equipment, usually a specially shaped object designed to do a particular task.

2) Law requirement: something needed in order to achieve something else.


1. Carry out or fulfill something: to put something into effect or action.

2. To provide or equip somebody with the tools or other means to do something.


1) Writing implements.
2) They still need to get that through implementation.


1) The plan has yet to be fully implemented.
2) The thieves were given all necessary implementations.
by Jafje June 14, 2007
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To move people out of a danger area.

They'll have to evacuate before the volcanoe erupts.
by Jafje May 10, 2007
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Common misconception. Holland is what many people (including some native Dutch) call The Netherlands. Holland, however is a province of The Netherlands, where the capital Amsterdam happens to be.

We speak Dutch in The Netherlands, so in Holland too.

I don't live in Holland, I live in The Netherlands.
by Jafje May 6, 2007
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capable of movement: capable of or demonstrating movement by independent means.

That guy's motility is going down. His ability of moving around is decreasing.
by Jafje March 8, 2007
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Intense scorn: Extreme contempt or disgust for something or somebody. It's pretty much the same as dispising someone.

I disdain those that are rude.
by Jafje March 31, 2007
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